Is mango the luscious superhero of fruit?

By Maria Elena Fernandez, American Heart Association News

Maika 777/Moment Open, Getty Images
(Maika 777/Moment Open, Getty Images)
This story is part of Eat It or Leave It?, 这一系列节目将详细介绍与某些食物和饮料有关的利弊,以及如果你决定吃这些食物和饮料,可以选择哪些烹饪方法.


The luscious, 甜美的热带水果富含维生素和矿物质,对我们的心脏有好处, skin, eyes, and digestive and immune systems.

Packing more than 20 vitamins and minerals, including high doses of vitamins A and C, 芒果来自腰果家族,也是低脂肪的 one whole mango is about 207 calories. One cup of sliced mango is about 165 calories, and provides nearly 70% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which improves iron absorption, helps defend cells from damage and aids the immune system.

"Vitamin C is good for immunity," said Maya Vadiveloo, 罗得岛大学营养与食品科学系助理教授.

“它是一种抗氧化剂,可以帮助缓解体内的氧化应激. The primary benefit, in addition to being a really good source of vitamin C, is that (mangoes) are a decent source of vitamin A, folate and are pretty high in fiber, which is beneficial for colon cancer prevention, heart disease and weight control."

芒果在很多方面都有助于保护和支持身体, 尤其是当它们以完整的形式被食用,而不是像罐装芒果那样添加糖. 它们含有几种抗氧化化合物,有助于保护或延缓“自由基”的损害,不稳定的原子或分子,能破坏细胞并引起癌症等疾病.

The fiber, 多汁水果中的维生素和钾含量也有助于降低患心脏病的风险. "Apart from sodium reduction, potassium helps with blood pressure control, which is a major concern for most Americans," Vadiveloo said.

虽然芒果的季节通常是从五月到九月, 美国全年都能买到各种进口水果. But not everyone should eat them.

Like the rest of the cashew family, which includes poison ivy and poison oak, mangoes contain urushiol, 对一些人来说,这种油会导致皮肤出疹子. The oil is found in all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems and even the roots.

那些对这种油性物质敏感的人可以戴上手套去皮,或者让别人帮他们去皮. "The severity of the allergy is very individual," Vadiveloo said, 所以最好去看医生,确定你有哪些特别的风险."

In addition to being low-fat, 芒果可以帮助减肥,因为它们的纤维含量可以帮助你保持更长欧洲杯压球的饱腹感.

“芒果的一个好处是,人们会把它和不同的东西结合起来, like salsa, and it can also be combined with a lot of vegetables. 减少总热量的一个好方法是把水果和一些不含淀粉的叶类蔬菜结合起来,做一个有趣的沙拉," she said. "Or add some mango salsa to your fish."

芒果是健康的,但它并不是唯一的水果发电站,Vadiveloo说. Federal dietary guidelines recommend eating two cups of fruits daily.

专家建议人们“食用各种各样的水果和蔬菜,因为它们的营养成分略有不同," she said. "So, 最好不要只吃芒果,还要吃浆果、甜瓜和各种不加糖的水果."

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Eat It or Leave It?

Not sure if what you’re putting on your plate is healthy? The Eat It or Leave It? 美国心脏协会欧洲杯压球系列报道了食品和饮料背后的科学, with an expert look at the health pros and cons.

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